Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Freebies of the Week!

Welcome to my recently renovated blog!! So very nice to see you! Sit down and pour yourself a cup of tea! Perhaps not in that order... 

Each week, I think that I shall dedicate a portion of this blog to all the freebies I collect over time, entitling the posts my "Freebies of the Week"! Maybe they'll be freebies I've actually acquired during that given week, or maybe they'll just be one of my past freebie favorites, featured for your viewing pleasure. Please enjoy and do read on...

This week we planted some herbs and things from seeds we'd found a few months back in a free box, or that had been given away at Isabelle's school on Dr. Seuss's birthday, or had been found sprouting in our sink (garlic), in pots that had been given to us, or dug out of the trash, filled with recycled potting soil! :D 

Next, is my avocado tree that we grew from a pit, that got a new, free home this weekend, as it'd outgrown it's last pot. I think it shall be very happy, and grow, grow, grow, to be a lush and wonderful "guacamole" tree someday, in it's brand new home! Thanks Spider! :) 

Below that, is an awesome, kitschy wood painting my BFF Angela found for me at a thrift store! Not free to her, but free to me, so it counts! And it's just too cute to not include! It's my favorite! Rowrr!

Angela's daughter Grace, gave me this beautiful horse painting she'd been given by her "Big Sister", which has made a wonderful addition to our living room with his friend "Rowry" up there. Lovely, piercing eyes...

And lastly, the beautiful, stained glass star on the right, in the below shot, was made for me by my good friend Joey, that she tried to give to me for free, but I demanded to donate a bit of money for. It's important to support your local artisans folks! 

Also, not yet featured, but acquired this weekend for free, is a beautiful hunk of Salvia from Jack and Joey's garden, along with some more planters, a few succulents, and a bunch of freshly plucked rooster feathers for my hair doo-hicky's I'll be making soon!!! Thanks Jack and Joey!! And, yay free stuff!!! It's a beautiful revolution!

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